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Jewelry Ecommerce Trends

e-commerce Diamonds

2) Mediocre jewellery sites will not sale

Jewelry e-commerce has become highly competitive. When shoppers visit an e-commerce site they are looking not only for great quality jewellery but also for a fulfilling experience. Only top quality websites with lot of trust badges, client testimonials and host of security features will sell. You need serious investments in imagery, product data compilation and online security.

3) WebGL

WebGL, the browser-based interactive rendering technology will be a big entrant. The user will be able to get 3D interactable jewellery renderings without a plug-in. WebGL is adopted by all the leading browsers including browsers on mobile and tablets. Do visit TransPacific’s 3D jewelry Demo on WebGL.

4) Mobile Apps

In future, many jewellery and diamond e-retailers are expected to bring out Pure play App versions of their website on ios and Android. When a user visits jewellery eCommerce website from a mobile device; they will be presented with a “download app” option. Apps will be an alternative to responsive web designs but will be faster, interactive with push technology for regular updates like tracking the order.

5) Jewellery Customization

Customization and personalization of jewelry like engagement rings, pendants, adminCharms will be in vogue. TransPacific Software is already working with leading jewellery e-retailers to create on-line web based apps where in user can build their own ring , select diamond from Rapnet or IDEX database , do embossing on the jewellery with a font of choice and even create their STL(STereoLithography) design files which directly go to manufacturers.

6) Concierge Jewelry

Real people behind the screen ; helping you with jewelry design and selection through web conference and chat. Jewelry diamond websites will have a dedicated virtual designer to understand the needs , taste ,budget and suggest the best available option.

7) 3D printing

It's a disruptive technology. Few jewelry e-stores have started offering shoppers customized engagement rings as per specifications, or suggest another design to be sized and scaled printed in wax replica as a sample for approval. There is a nominal charge for wax replica created on accurate 3D printers.We expect this to be de-facto process in custom jewellery.

8) All Virtual, Nothing in stock

The inventory what a jewellery e-store displays on web-site will not be limited by physical stock but will depend on creativity of CAD designer. All designs will be created in real life like renderings through high end CAD software like Matrix, Autocad , Blender and Maya. Only on receiving the order, Jewellery will be manufactured. Progressive e-commerce jewelers are hiring top-notch Jewelry CAD designers and equipping themselves with high end hardware and software for the purpose

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