magento rapnet integration

Integrating Magento CE 2.x with Rapnet instant inventory

Integrating Magento CE 2.x with Rapnet instant inventory


You need to have Rapnet login and Rapnet Instant inventory service account with Rapnet. Its costs around $1210/per year Click for More details


Rapnet has completely discontinued its DLS (Directory Listing Services) and replaced it with advanced Rapnet Instant web services. DLS allowed a user to download the full diamond data in CSV file format, which was heavy on resources.

Rapnet Instant Inventory services is a Restful web service, so all data is on Rapnet server. It can be pulled as required, thus reducing the load on your eCommerce Server.

It consists of two parts

  • Backend Magento Extension, which pulls the data from Rapnet instant services in real-time.
  • Front end UI which allows the complete customization of looks and feel of the Diamond search engine in the front end.

Both of these are seamlessly integrated to create a full Rapnet integration module.

The biggest advantage it gives over ready-made widgets available on Magento marketplaces is its front end is completely customizable as per the parent website design. It also integrates Rapnet diamonds as native Magento products so the user can not only buy the diamonds but also can add them in wishlist and compare.

The costing of integration starts from $1500 depending on what features you require. eg. only white diamonds or colour diamonds, filtering criterion, Video requirements, detail page Designs

The integration is so seamless that unlike widgets (having iframes) user will never know that it is pulling diamonds from Rapnet database

The costing of integration starts from $1500 depending on what features you require. eg. only white diamonds or colour diamonds, filtering criterion, Video requirements, detail page Designs

Please also refer to our detailed post here for more information.

Magento Demo Projects

Demo Jewelry website on Magento 2.4.x

Demo Jewelry website on Magento 2.4.x

Ecommerce website developed on Magento CE 2.4.x

UI Designs for Diamond search pages

Why plug and Play Rapnet Plugins available on Magento Marketplace Plugin exchange are no good?

  • They Cannot be customized as per your design requirements
  • User cannot directly buy from your website.
  • User can find the source of the diamond supplier directly
  • Monthly Subscription cost
  • No SEO benefit due to Iframe widget embedded in the page
  • Diamond data search filter customization not possible.
  • No additional feature can be added eg. Share a hint or add to wishlist
Rapnet diamond api integration with magento
Rapnet diamond api integration with magento
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