Pre-requisites for Rapnet API Integration
Rapnet login and instant inventory subscription are required for using Rapnet API on your website. For a Subscription, contact Here.
The Rapnet API integration is a custom installation on the host website.
Rapnet integration will start from $1200 Contact us for more information
Rapnet Instant Inventory
Rapnet is a peer to peer network. An aggregator of seller's diamond data. The aggregated diamond data can be further used by eCommerce retailers to embed in their eCommerce websites through API. This service is named as “Rapnet Instant Inventory.
To Do list for Rapnet instant Inventory Integration
- Check your website platform, eg. Woocommerce, Shopify, Magento etc.
- Checking your Rapnet Login and Rapnet instant inventory service availability
- Understanding your requirements in details, eg. If you wish to have a diamond between 0.3 to 3 carats only.
- Planning for markup module (eg. if you require flat markup or carat size-based markup)
- Checking your existing website's theme structure, creating wireframes and high-fidelity mockups of designs
- Managing the full check-out process for the diamond with order management emails.
Integrating Rapnet API is highly specialized work. Rapnet integration can be achieved in WooCommerce , WordPress, Magento, Shopify, Drupal , Joomla , Opencast , BigCommerce and PrestaShop.
Transpacific Software's Rapnet Integration services will consist of:
- UI design for diamond Search page in list and Grid Layout.
- UI layout will adhere to the original website theme design style sheet.
- Integrating diamond feed with Markup module.
- Creating basic and advance diamond filters for.
- Integrating the entire loose diamond purchase module with Taxation and delivery time.
How Rapnet diamond Listing is integrated with your e-commerce website?
- Create Rapnet Instant inventory account.
- Login in Rapnet and create API feed according to your requirement. For example, which all shapes you require like Round, Pear, Heart, Princess etc. Now select suppliers from supplier list as per your requirement. The final step is to set up markup, eg. for a price range $200 to $1000 markup will be 10%.
- Contact Rapnet team and get the Web service API access key.
- Using Rapnet Web service API key and password you can send request (in JSON format) to Rapnet webservice endpoint with required post parameters (Example : Required shape names '"Round","Pear","Radiant","Emerald"', carat start-end range "size_from": "2","size_to": "1" etc) and response will be in JSON format.
- In a single request call Rapnet returns 50 records only, for further records you can use paging.
- Once the response is received from Rapnet in JSON format you can process it and display on the Webpage in grid or list view.
How Rapnet Instant Inventory API is integrated into your eCommerce Website

Rapnet Color diamond Integration
Rapnet also provides color diamond feed. Color diamond feeds have different filter criterion than white diamonds. A completely separate module needs to be created.

Integration of Diamond API starts from $1200 onwards depending on what all features you require, and what eCommerce platform you have. If you wish to have value-added features like Build a ring and so on.
Do Rapnet diamonds have video of diamonds?
Rapnet diamond feed rarely has video. Typically, less than 5 %. It has an API feed parameter called “media” . Media feed, mostly have images/photographs.
I know a diamond dealer who is using Diamond feed and has many diamond videos?
Please check with the source. They may be having a custom diamond feed from a supplier. Custom diamond feed directly from a supplier has diamond videos.
Can I add my in-house diamonds along with Rapnet diamond feed?
No ! Diamond feeds are through Restful API in JSON format . Interjecting your diamonds within the Rapnet feed is technically not possible. However, there is a workaround. You may add your diamonds directly on Rapnet platform and pull them in regular Rapnet API
Can I get pair diamonds for earrings and Stud?
No Rapnet doesn't provide a separate Pair diamond feed.
When I log in to Rapnet directly, I see the diamond, but the same is not there on the website which is pulling Rapnet diamond feed?
Many suppliers list their diamond on the Rapnet platform, but don't prefer to redistribute them through API. Typically, not more than 35-40% Of suppliers redistribute their diamonds through Rapnet API.
I found some widgets and plug and play code snippet for Rapnet integration can I use it on my website?
These plugins are just iframes. They have many restrictions such as one cannot customize the look and feel, or diamond cannot be bought directly from your website. The user can at the most send an inquiry for the diamond.TPS provides a fully integrated and Flexible solution with one year's free support.
TransPacific Software's Rapnet Integration powers more than 170 leading jewelry eCommerce websites globally, Overall client rating is 4.6 out of 5.0 for the jewelry store development. Read our Client Reviews on Google Reviews.