Integrating Woocommerce WordPress with diamond data from Rapnet or IDEX . Integration will be like a separate Module or Extension Plugin

WooCommerce and Rapnet Instant Inventory API

Diamond jewellery websites developed on Woocommerce ( A WordPress e-commerce plugin) often require integrating diamond data from diamond trading exchanges like Rapnet, Nivoda , IDEXonline, MID or Polygon.

Unlike Magento or Shopify, which are built ground up for e-commerce; WooCommerce is a plugin for WordPress. It converts the blogging platform into an e-commerce shop.

Essentially, the posts in WP are altered by WooCommerce to show as items/products; this makes it restrictive for customization. Furthermore, for diamond data (Typically Rapnet feed which may go into 150,000+ diamonds) with numerous diamond specific attributes like carat weight, colour, fluorescence, clarity, cut etc.; integration becomes complex.

As a specialist in Diamond Jewellery websites; Transpacific regularly receives project requests to integrate Woocommerce with Rapnet data.

How is Rapnet integrated with Woocommerce?


Rapnet login and Rapnet Instant Inventory subscription

More info on subscription can be found on Rapnet website

Rapnet Provides Instant inventory Restful web services (API).

Integration is a two-step process:

  1. A WP plugin created by TransPacific Software which on installation allows web services data to be pulled from Rapnet API and pushed into the WooCommerce DB
  2. Front end intuitive search engine with filters including carat weight, price, Clarity, Fluorescence etc.

Both the above offerings are highly customized for the host website.

Front end UI design is integrated with the website's parent theme.

The diamond search engine is highly optimized for speed and accuracy through multiple optimization techniques. These include caching, query optimization and customizing it for mobile.

Additional value-added features like detail page, video (if available) , certificate pop-ups, compare and wish list are also added.

Why plug and Play Rapnet Plugins available on WordPress Plugin exchange are no good?

  • They Cannot be customised as per your design requirements
  • User cannot directly buy from your website.
  • User can find the source of the diamond supplier directly
  • No SEO benefit due to Iframe widget embedded in the page
  • Diamond data search filter customization not possible.
  • No additional feature can be added eg. Share a hint or add to wishlist

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WooCommerce WordPress jewelry shop

WooCommerce WordPress jewelry shop

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Integrating Woocommerce WordPress with diamond data from Rapnet or IDEX . Integration will be like a separate Module or Extension Plugin
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